Fear of Pleasure on My Orgasmic Life in Trauma Recovery series

Ep. 5 Fear of Pleasure on My Orgasmic Life in Trauma Recovery series :It is Time to Reclaim and take back your POWER with Holistic Sexual Wellness Specialist Gaia Morrissette. : Today topic:Fear of pleasure: What is pleasure? Why might we fear having it ? Why Pleasure might not seem safe?
*** 4 different type Pleasure: Sensory Pleasure, Emotional Pleasure, Orgasmic Pleasure and Chemical Induced Pleasure

***Dissociative stage, shutting down

*** Safety, surrendering and trust

*** Suffering, life must be hard, Misery
*** We have been taught we are Not worthy of Pleasure

She explore how past trauma is controlling your present life! How to become free from the the past pains and negative blockage so you can create a life of happiness, safety, love and pleasure!
Make sure you only receive healing, happy and trauma related information from me and as a gift I have created a guide video to help you get un-triggered click here http://eepurl.com/djPBBb to pick it up.

***Trauma Safe!

#Education, #gaiamorrissette, #gaiamorrissette, #healing, #holisticsexualwellness, #myorgasmiclife, #Orgasmicliving, #sex, #sexcoach, #sexshame, #sexual, #sexualwellness, #sexualwellnesscoach, #sexualwellnessspecialist, #shame, #succulentliving, #myorgasmiclifepodcast, #pleasure, #Sensorypleasure, #Emotionalpleasure, #Orgasmicpleasure


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