Ep.18 – Conscious Cock and we are not talking about chickens on xe2x80x9cMy Orgasmic Lifexe2x80x9d part of the #MightyMenSeries: xe2x80x9d with co-host Kristopher Lovestone of https://consciouscock.com and Holistic Sexual Wellness Specialist , Gaia Morrissette www.succulentliving.com . Content Warning: Swearing, Open and Honest talking about the Penis and men sexuality
Today: Conscious Cock
*What is a conscious cock?
*The power of saying no so your YES has more power
*Difference between being xe2x80x9c nice guy vs good guyxe2x80x9d One a doormat and one is powerful and sexy
*How to be a real, raw and respectful Sex God
*Embracing the primal lust and honestly step into the bedroom and relationship
*When you know who you really are, it makes it easier for others to connect with you
*Empowerment to get your needs meet
Calling all men.. for an open , honest and respectful conversation about all things sexual that affect men.
Come join my list #MightMenMondays so you can always get access to all the past, present and future replays, they will only be on FB for the live and 24 hours after. Also so you only get content you want and as a gift of love bonus I am offering you 2 free video on” How to turn women on” and ” How to give a sensual yoni (vulva/vagina) massage” click here to get it. http://eepurl.com/djNOxD
To learn more about my EPIC Co-Host Kristopher Lovestone: Ixe2x80x99m a Sex educator and relationship skills teacher and author of Conscious Cock: The Empowered Sexuality Manual for Men and The Nutella Proposal. I work with men and couples to help them get what they really want out of their relationship and sex life. Read more https://consciouscock.com/about-kristopher-lovestone/
Seat back and get ready for a wild ridexe2x80xa6
Join My Orgasmic Life Podcast on Spreaker or Spotify or Apple podcast or Google Podcast or iHeartRadio
There is a whole world of playful, educational, healing and safe experiences to be discovered at www.succulentliving.com and come frolic with Gaia on Social Media under Gaia Morrissette
#Education, #gaiamorrissette, #gaiamorrissette, #Kristopherlovestone, #holisticsexualwellness, #myorgasmiclife, #Orgasmicliving, #sex, #sexcoach, #sexshame, #sexual, #sexualwellness, #sexualwellnesscoach, #sexualwellnessspecialist, #shame, #succulentliving, #myorgasmiclifepodcast #mensexuality, #menshealth, #sexuality, #sexualshame, #shame, #succulentliving #consciouscock,