Ep. 20-Chapter 1- Know thyself -of How to be a better lover series with Gaia Morrissette

Ep.20 Chapter 1- Know thyself of xe2x80x9c How to become a better lover seriesxe2x80x9d on My Orgasmic Life Podcast with Holistic Sexual Wellness Specialist , Gaia Morrissette
So many of my clients, friends and student are always asking me xe2x80x9c How do I become a better loverxe2x80x9d Or xe2x80x9cHow can I be better in bedxe2x80x9d so I have been inspired to create series dedicated to being better at sexxe2x80xa6 Content Warning : Masturbation , Swearing

Covering in this Chapter:
*Importance of Masturbation
*Learning and exploring what turns you on and what turns you off
*What is a Spank Bank
*Building your Spank Bank
* Awakening your body
*What is Orgasmic Pattern
*Changing your Orgasmic Patterns
*Building healthy relationship with Porn
*Learn how to make pleasure sounds

Seat back and get ready for a wild ridexe2x80xa6
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There is a whole world of playful, educational, healing and safe experiences to be discovered at www.succulentliving.com and come frolic with Gaia on Social Media under Gaia Morrissette

#beabetterlover, #bebetterinbed, #havebettersex, #Education, #gaiamorrissette, #healing, #holisticsexualwellness, #myorgasmiclife, #Orgasmicliving, #sex, #sexcoach, #sexshame, #sexual, #sexualwellness, #sexualwellnesscoach, #sexualwellnessspecialist, #shame, #succulentliving, #myorgasmiclifepodcast #relationship, #Relationshipadvice,#SexEducation,


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