Ep. 50 BDSM -Find Your DREAM DOM/DOMME on “Tie Me Up” Series

Ep. 50- BDSM-Find your DREAM DOM/DOMME xe2x80x9cTie Me Up Seriesxe2x80x9d on My Orgasmic Life
Empress Gaia aka Gaia Morrissette shares her knowledge both personal and professional in this #Kink Series called xe2x80x9c Tie Me Upxe2x80x9d . CONTENT WARNING: BDSM, KINK, BDSM Language.

Welcome to another EPIC episode of xe2x80x9c My Orgasmic Lifexe2x80x9d with your sexy and kick ass Holistic Sexual Wellness Specialist , BDSM wellness guide, Pro- Dominatrix and High Priestess of Divine Sexual and Elemental Magicks; Gaia Morrissette. On the Tie Me Up Series we explore all things BDSM and Kink .

*What is a DREAM DOM/DOMME?*Hard limits and at least the your 3 top kinks are the same.
*Know thyself
*Be clear on what you are looking for: time commitment, emotional commitment and personality
*Gaia shares her recent BDSM Dating experiences
*Make sure they are caring and respectful and not abusive. What are the abusive warnings signs: do they only demand and not ask you questions, they don’t ask you about safe sex, they don’t talk about safe words, they don’t respect your boundaries while setting up the negotiations
*What are red flags trust them
* Ask the right questions: Find out about past BDSM experiences both good and bad , What training and education do they have in the world of BDSM,
*Always play sober

How to start your educational adventure: courses, workshops, hands on guided sessions, explorational session for Safety! Safety! Safety!

Seat back and get ready for a wild ridexe2x80xa6

Ready to enroll in BDSM/Kink 101 Guided Online Course

For all of your BDSM education, exploration and surrendering needs come visit Empress Gaia at https://www.empressgaia.com/

To meet and build your BDSM /KINK community visit https://fetlife.com/

Join My Orgasmic Life Podcast on Spreaker or Spotify or Apple podcast or Google Play

There is a whole world of playful, educational, healing and safe experiences to be discovered at www.succulentliving.com and come frolic with Gaia on Social Media under Gaia Morrissette

Hard limit /BDSM checklist doc : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1s__FDvdtHyQr1woeTzCdIjPdcQRWiRCQ/view?usp=sharing Please make a copy and download before filling it out.

#BDSM, #DOMME, #Dominatrix #Education, #kinkeducation, #dreamdom, #dreamdomme, #empressgaia, #gaiamorrissette, #BDSMdating, #holisticsexualwellness, #myorgasmiclife, #Orgasmicliving, #sex, #sexcoach, #sexshame, #sexual, #sexualwellness, #sexualwellnesscoach, #sexualwellnessspecialist, #shame, #succulentliving, #myorgasmiclifepodcast #relationship, #Relationshipadvice, #havebettersex, #SexEducation,


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