Part 3-Why your dating Life sucks? Part 3: Sex skills on Might Men Series w/ Gaia Morrissette and Nate Hager

My Orgasmic Life
My Orgasmic Life
Part 3-Why your dating Life sucks? Part 3: Sex skills on Might Men Series w/ Gaia Morrissette and Nate Hager

Why Your dating life sucks 3 part series on xe2x80x9cMY Orgasmic Lifexe2x80x9d part of the #MightyMenSeries: Part 3 xe2x80x9cNow you have them naked NOW what? xe2x80x9d with co-host Nate Hager of and Holistic Sexual Wellness Specialist , Gaia Morrissette . Today: So you got them to agree to have sex with you NOW what? How to be a rockstar in the bedroom so they come back for more..So many men spend time and energy in the picking up stage that they forgot to work on their bedroom game!! . How to build your conference and sexual skill building ?
Calling all men.. for a open , honest and respectful conversation about all things sexual that affect men.
Come join my list #MightMenMondays so you can always get access to all the past, present and future replays, they will only be on FB for the live and 24 hours after. Also so you only get content you want and as a gift of love bonus I am offering you 2 free video on” How to turn women on” and ” How to give a sensual yoni (vulva/vagina) massage” click here to get it.
Also please subscribe to her Youtube as she will be moving Might Men Mondays from Facebook to Youtube
Come Explore Tantra to learn how to have an good to EPIC sex life
Learn more about Nate Hager