On My Orgasmic Life Podcast with Holistic Sexual Wellness Specialist , Gaia Morrissette on EP. 157 is talking about the 7 key ingredients to finding and keeping lasting loving relationship(s).
Content Warning : Swearing, Laughter, Relationship, Love
Gaia Covers on today show:
*What is the difference between conditional love vs unconditional love?
*What are the 7 key ingredients to a lasting relationship?
*The importance of healing the old wounds from past conditional love experiences
*Falling in head over heels in love with yourself!
*100 % honest creates true vulnerability and intimacy
*Which is sexier interdependence vs codependency
*What is the difference between love and sex ?
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Gaia Morrissette offers so many awesome ways to help you have an amazing pleasure filled orgasmic life. Gaia many expertise in the areas of sex, relationships, love, BDSM, trauma healing come visit www.gaiamorrissette.com to find the right fit for you.
Come frolic with Gaia on Social Media under Gaia Morrissette
Learn more about Gaia Morrissette: Holistic Sexual Wellness Specialist, Gaia Morrissette believes the keys to a happy, healthy, wealthy, magical and EPIC orgasmic life is ; Sexual Wellness, Embracing the human experience and releasing fear, shame , guilt and self-loathing. Gaia supports people living with pleasure through Holistic Sexual Wellness, Trauma Recovery. She is also a BDSM Wellness expert, High Priestess and Pro-Dominatrix. For over 12 years she has been a renowned international speaker, trainer, facilitator, podcaster and coach who makes the world a happier, safer and sexier place for us all. Gaia is the founder of SucculentLiving.com, Empressgaia.com & Succulent living Online Education. Her education and training consist of, sexology, trauma recovery, life coaching, tantra training, sex coaching, and lots of practice in the areas of play, healing, and exploring