Advance Inner Child/ren Work- Flush Method on My Orgasmic Life podcast EP.112 Holistic Sexual Wellness, BDSM Wellness & Trauma Recovery Specialist, Gaia Morrissette explores advance inner child/ren work – Bridging the gap between the subconscious and conscious mind
Content Warning : Swearing, Laughter, Trauma healing,
Gaia Covers on today show:
*What is the subconscious mind?
*How does the subconscious control your life?
*What is the conscious mind?
*What is a trigger?
*What is inner child/ren work?
*What is the flush method?
*What is all the benefits for healing trauma wounds
*How the flush method supports – safety, trust, communication, self love and releasing the old wounds and patterns that don’t support you anymore.
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There is a whole world of playful, educational, healing and safe experiences to be discovered at www.succulentliving.com and come frolic with Gaia on Social Media under Gaia Morrissette