Ep.21- Chapter 2- Communication is SEXY How to become a better lover series on My Orgasmic Life Podcast with Holistic Sexual Wellness Specialist , Gaia Morrissette
So many of my clients, friends and student are always asking me How do I become a better lover Or How can I be better in bed so I have been inspired to create series dedicated to being better at sex Content Warning : Swearing, Talking about Sex, Laughter, Getting Laid
Covering in this Chapter:
*Importance of Communication
*Why is communication so Sexy
*How minding reading is NOT sexy and STRESSFUL
*Being able to say no so your YES are sexy! You can get your needs met
*What is non-verbal communication: Body language, sounds and emotional energy
* What is verbal communication
*Time to practice reading non- verbal communication ( friends)
*Time to Practice Say No (easy places)
*Time to Practice Say Yes (easy places)
*Asking for what you want starting small at least once a day
* To become an Epic Lover you need to Master the 3 sex communication stages; Before Sex, During Sex and After Sex which we will explore in the next 3 chapters
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There is a whole world of playful, educational, healing and safe experiences to be discovered at www.succulentliving.com and come frolic with Gaia on Social Media under Gaia Morrissette