Ep.24 – How to express sexual desire without being disrespectful or creepy on My Orgasmic Life part of the #MightyMenSeries:with co-host Mike Popovici of https://www.phoenixiaa.com & Holistic Sexual Wellness Specialist , Gaia Morrissette www.succulentliving.com . Content Warning: Swearing, Open and Honest talking about Arousal and Desire, Penis and men sexuality
*What is sexual arousal /horniness
*What does a Sexual Empowered Man look like
*How do empowered men move with their sexual arousal
*How to hit on or express attraction with respect
Calling all men.. for an open , honest and respectful conversation about all things sexual that affect men.
To learn more about my EPIC Co-Host Mike Popovici: Mike Popovici is a Life Path Catalyst, Qi Gong & Mindfulness Instructor, Speaker, and founder of Phoenix Internal Arts Academy. His passion is to help you propel through your roadblocks and improve the quality of your life; to tap into your full potential, and achieve the breakthroughs you want emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually so you can bring the most of yourself into everything you do family, career, hobbies, and personal passions.
Mike demystifies concepts of energy and helps you tap into their full effects and self healing potential in your everyday. Mike left his corporate Engineering career in order to help people unlock powerfully. His broad range of experience allows Mike to guide & heal from many perspectives and to all types of lifestyles both practical and spiritual. To spend more time with Mike:
Website: https://www.phoenixiaa.com Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/PhoenixIAA/ Instagram: http://instagram.com/Mike_PhoenixInternalArts
Join My Orgasmic Life Podcast on your favourite podcasting platform or on my website www.gaiamorrissette.com
There is a whole world of playful, educational, healing and safe experiences to be discovered at www.succulentliving.com and come frolic with Gaia on Social Media under Gaia Morrissette