Ep.37 – Shifting with MOVEMENT on My Orgasmic Life part of the #Traumarecovery Series : w/ co-host Paulette Rees Denis of https://www.paulettereesdenis.com/ & Holistic Sexual Wellness Specialist , Gaia Morrissette www.succulentliving.com . Content Warning: Trauma Safe: Swearing, Open and Honest talking about movement and shifting
*Movement what does that mean
*Some of the movement forms;*Dance, Releasing the old, Physical movement, Energy movement
*How each form can change, shift and transform
*Concrete tools to start to shift make anything possible
Join My Orgasmic Life Podcast on your favourite podcasting platform or on my website www.gaiamorrissette.com
There is a whole world of playful, educational, healing and safe experiences to be discovered at www.succulentliving.com and come frolic with Gaia on Social Media under Gaia Morrissette
To learn more about my EPIC Co-Host Paulette Rees Denis : As an inspirator of feminine celebration and a movement motivator, Paulettes passion and work is ultimately about guiding you on your journey, through her work as a Transformational Life coach, using Movement, Momentum, and Magic, full of Dancing with Desire, to follow your soul desires.
Always combining words with movement, she leads you on personal creative journeys, opening you to your freedom, wild spirit, and your individual beauty.
To spend more time with Paulette Rees Denis :
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tribalbellydancing