Ep. 68- Self Acceptance when you have done something awful? Trauma Recovery series on My Orgasmic Life! It is Time to Reclaim and take back your POWER with Holistic Sexual Wellness Specialist Gaia Morrissette. :
Content Warning: Sexual abuse, childhood sexual abuse, swearing, cult, cheating
Today topic:
* Gaia shares her trauma story
*Gaia shares her struggle with self acceptance and self love
*Gaia shares how because of the awful things she did in the past all the ways she punished herself in all areas of life
*Self Acceptance and Self compassion
*What is Guilt and Shame and how to release it
*Tool:Break the silence end the secret; Having a safe ,trusted and non judgemental person to share it with
In this Trauma Recovery series she explores how past trauma is controlling your present life! How to become free from the past pains and negative blockage so you can create a life of happiness, safety, love and pleasure!
***Trauma Safe!
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There is a whole world of playful, educational, healing and safe experiences to be discovered at www.succulentliving.com and come frolic with Gaia on Social Media under Gaia Morrissette