Ep. 75-Sucky Sucky – 7 tips to giving an Epic Blow Job on My Orgasmic Life Podcast with Holistic Sexual Wellness Specialist , Gaia Morrissette.
After years of working with men I am happy to share my insights on what men want and desire when it comes to receiving mind blowing oral sex.
Here are the 7 Secrets to giving the ultimate hummer:
Content Warning : Swearing, Laughter, Oral sex ,Fellatio, Penis
Gaia Covers on today show:
*What are the 7 tips to giving EPIC Blow Job
*Lube it
*The Balls
*Tongue is not just for vaginas
*Be turned on
*Variety is the spice of life
*What to do with the ejaculation
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There is a whole world of playful, educational, healing and safe experiences to be discovered at www.succulentliving.com and come frolic with Gaia on Social Media under Gaia Morrissette
For all of your BDSM education, exploration and surrendering needs come visit Empress Gaia at https://www.empressgaia.com/