BDSM and Poly/ Non Monogamy w/ Co-Host Dr. Lori Beth Bisbey & Gaia Morrissette on My Orgasmic Life EP. 84
Holistic Sexual Wellness Specialist, Gaia has a very juicy conversation with Dr. Lori Beth Bisbey about how being Poly / Ethical Non Monogamous and being apart of the BDSM community works for each of them.
Content Warning : Swearing, Laughter, Sexuality, Sexual abuse, Ownership, BDSM, Jelousy, Envyl
Gaia Covers on today show:
*Meet awesome Dr. Lori Beth Bisbey
*Dr. Lori shares her experiences as a slave and being in non-monogamy marriage
*Gaia shares some of her experiences with being a Domme
*How jealousy and envy works in each of their lives
*The importance of being a whole complete person to create healthy, happy relationships
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Join My Orgasmic Life Podcast on your favourite podcast platform. You can also listen on my website www.gaiamorrissette.com
There is a whole world of playful, educational, healing and safe experiences to be discovered at www.succulentliving.com and come frolic with Gaia on Social Media under Gaia Morrissette
For all of your BDSM education, exploration and surrendering needs come visit Empress Gaia at https://www.empressgaia.com/
To get to know and spend time with Dr. Lori Beth Bisbey: Dr Lori Beth Bisbey has spent the last 32 years helping people who struggle with sustaining meaningful intimate relationships and fulfilling sex. When they work with her, they release their shame, uncover and honour their deepest desires so they experience radiant conscious relationships and the best sex of their lives. She has expertise in trauma, gender and sexual diversity, consensual nonmonogamy and BDSM/kink. Dr Lori Beth hosts The A to Z of Sexxc2xae weekly on the Health and Wellness channel, VoiceAmerica.com. She is an author and speaks internationally on sex and relationships.
Website: http://drloribethbisbey.com
Facebook : loribethbisbey
Twitter: https://twitter.com/drbisbey
Instagram: https://instagram.com/drbisbey
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Freebie link and description: This eBook has links to 74 movies that are really hot but not pornography. https://drbisbey-f822.gr8.com