Masturbation support – Changing Orgasmic Pattern on My Orgasmic Life podcast EP. 92
Holistic Sexual Wellness, BDSM Wellness & Trauma Recovery Specialist, Gaia Morrissette keeping things sexy during COVID-19. During is time of social distancing we have more time to sexual explore ourselves
Content Warning : Swearing, Laughter, Sexuality, Orgasms, Masturbation
Gaia Covers on today show:
*The benefits of self sexual exploration
*What is a orgasmic pattern
*How to change your orgasmic pattern
*Why do you want to change and create lots of new orgasmic patterns
*Tips and tools
******Learn how to expand your sexual skill building sexy knowledge https://succulent-living.teachable.com/p/sexual-skill-building-sex-education
*******To keep exploring and expanding your learning with online courses visit https://succulent-living.teachable.com/
Join My Orgasmic Life Podcast on your favourite podcast platform. You can also listen on my website www.gaiamorrissette.com
There is a whole world of playful, educational, healing and safe experiences to be discovered at www.succulentliving.com and come frolic with Gaia on Social Media under Gaia Morrissette
For all of your BDSM education, exploration and surrendering needs come visit Empress Gaia at https://www.empressgaia.com/