Sexual Debrief with co-host Christopher Hoffmann onMy Orgasmic Life podcast EP.136 Holistic Sexual Wellness, BDSM Wellness & Trauma Recovery Specialist, Gaia Morrissette and Christopher Hoffmann have a real raw and honest conversation about their own sexual experience with one another for the first time live.
Content Warning : Swearing, Laughter, Sexuality,Graphic Language, Communication
Gaia Covers on today show:
*Gaia and Christopher had a video sexy time with one another here is what happened
*Gaia shares with Christopher what she was really feeling and thinking at the time
*Christoper shares with Gaia what she was really feeling and thinking at the time
*How they both lied to each other and self by making up a nice story about the distance
*Why it didn’t go well
*What they did right
*Showcase how to hear the other person without taking it personally
*How to set boundaries
*How ask for what you need and want
*This episode really showcases how to have honest raw , uncomfortable conversations with grace and ease
To come spend more time with Christopher Hoffmann www.heartingear.com
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There is a whole world of playful, educational, healing and safe experiences to be discovered at https://gaiamorrissette.com/ Also don’t forget to come frolic with Gaia on Social Media under Gaia Morrissette
For all of your BDSM education, exploration and surrendering needs come visit Empress Gaia at https://www.empressgaia.com/
To get to know Christopher Hoffmann: As innovator and author Chris Hoffmann has appeared on network television, unscripted TV and the TEDx stage. More recently he is using costumes and erotic storytelling to hack or animate aspects of his inner creative intellect, to break down constructs and atomize them back over society as an act of love. Through these explorations to better understand himself and human nature, he has discovered by using the power of NO, he is able to maintain a certain peace, which allows him to be pulled forward by his next creative attraction.
Website: www.heartingear.com
Facebook :https://www.facebook.com/heartingear
Twitter: https://twitter.com/heartingear
Any other social you prefer to the above: https://medium.com/@christopherhoffmann
Christopher Latest Project is Hysteresis : www.hysteresis.world
Learn more about Gaia Morrissette: Holistic Sexual Wellness Specialist, Gaia Morrissette believes the keys to a happy, healthy, wealthy, magical and EPIC orgasmic life is ; Sexual Wellness, Embracing the human experience and releasing fear, shame , guilt and self-loathing. Gaia supports people living with pleasure through Holistic Sexual Wellness, Trauma Recovery. She is also a BDSM Wellness expert, High Priestess and Pro-Dominatrix. For over 12 years she has been a renowned international speaker, trainer, facilitator, podcaster and coach who makes the world a happier, safer and sexier place for us all. Gaia is the founder of SucculentLiving.com, Empressgaia.com & Succulent living Online Education. Her education and training consist of, sexology, trauma recovery, life coaching, tantra training, sex coaching, and lots of practice in the areas of play, healing, and exploring