Ep.26-Chapter 5 – Aftersex communication – Becoming a better lover series

Limited – Ep.26- Chapter 4- After Sex Communication xe2x80x9c Becoming a better lover seriesxe2x80x9d on My Orgasmic Life Podcast with Holistic Sexual Wellness Specialist , Gaia Morrissette
So many of my clients, friends and student are always asking me xe2x80x9c How do I become a better loverxe2x80x9d Or xe2x80x9cHow can I be better in bedxe2x80x9d so I have been inspired to create series dedicated to being better at sexxe2x80xa6 Content Warning : Swearing, Talking about Sex, Laughter, Getting Laid,

Covering in this Chapter:
*Update information on 1st conversation in before sex : What do you lke to do after sex. Eg ; pee,bathe,cuddle, make a sandwich, watch TV
*Importance of After sex communication
*After sex debrief this how you get to become better lover
*Talking and sharing what your liked , what was some highlights , what you want to explore and expand on and what could be done differently
*Let go of your insecurity some wanting something different doesnt mean anything about your skills
*Remember improvement is sexy and win /win for everyone
*Practice hearing improvement requests without taking it personal.. Ask a loving friend is there anyway I could do anything different to improve our friendship? Then listen and don’t freak out remember you asked and know they are just asking for something they need. It not about you sucking.
*Practice asking someone for something that would improve your time with them ( loving Friend) It is also very helpful to frame this conversation with what you are learning to do so everyone is on the same page

Seat back and get ready for a wild ridexe2x80xa6
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There is a whole world of playful, educational, healing and safe experiences to be discovered at www.succulentliving.com and come frolic with Gaia on Social Media under Gaia Morrissette

#beabetterlover, #bebetterinbed, #havebettersex, #communication,#aftersextalk, #consent, #sexcommunicationstages,#mindreadingisnotsexy,#askingissexy, #honestyissexy, #gaiamorrissette, #holisticsexualwellness, #myorgasmiclife, #Orgasmicliving, #sex, #sexcoach, #sexshame, #succulentliving, #myorgasmiclifepodcast #relationship, #Relationshipadvice,#SexEducation,#sexual, #sexualwellness, #sexualwellness, #sexualwellnessspecialist, #shame, #healing


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