Holistic Sexual Wellness Specialist, Gaia Morrissette your Epic Host believes that the keys to having a happy, healthy, wealthy and Epic Orgasmic Life is ; Embracing the human experience , sexual wellness and releasing fear, shame, guilt and self loathing. On My Orgasmic Life Gaia explores all areas of Happiness,Healing, Health , Wealth, Pleasure, Relationships and Orgasmic living in safe, honest , raw, sexy, fun and non- judgemental way. Come play! Explore and be inspired! My Orgasmic Life was chosen #2 of the best sex podcasts of 2020 Let Gaia be your dirty little secret that you love to watch and listen to!! Did you know there is a whole world of playful, educational, healing and safe experiences to be discovered at www.succulentliving.com
Empress Gaia talks about lust. On EP 350 of My Orgasmic Life Podcast the goddess shares why lust is believed to be taboo. Content Warning : Swearing, Laughter, BDSM, Sex, Pain/Pleasure, Orgasm Gaia Covers on today show: * Why lust is considered taboo * Why it is alright to feel and acknowledge feeling horny * […]