Kinky Travel

kink anad breaking gender stereotypes

Kink and Breaking the Gender Stereotypes – Author Mistress Dana Pharant

As a general rule, I notice that men and women have been conditioned in ways that, at one time, supported the functioning of society Most men have been taught to take what they want. To go for jobs even if they are not fully qualified for it. To be the one to “make the moves” …

Kink and Breaking the Gender Stereotypes – Author Mistress Dana Pharant Read More »

i know what you crave

I Know What You Really Crave (Tales From The Dungeon) – Author Mistress Dana Pharant

You tell me that you know what you want, and I know you believe it to be true. But, then, when you are chained to my cross, your body tells me of a different story. It speaks to me, softly at first then crying out to be quenched of the thirst that has been stored …

I Know What You Really Crave (Tales From The Dungeon) – Author Mistress Dana Pharant Read More »

Traveling As Kinky – How To Avoid Jail Time and Have Your Kinky Fun

Kinky Travel Tips So You Dont Get Arrested-Author Dana Pharant I put my bags in the airport security for x-ray scanning and as it comes out the other side I watch the security guards pull my bag aside and pull out my fancy new bike lock.  Waving the lock in front of me, I am …

Traveling As Kinky – How To Avoid Jail Time and Have Your Kinky Fun Read More »