Safe Touch Sessions

For many people that have experienced trauma, physical touch can be :

  • Very uncomfortable
  • Panic producing
  • Hyper sensitivity
  • No sensory sensations
  • Not safe

When touch is not safe or comfortable it affects many areas of life. It can almost be impossible to have physical intimacy both sexual and non sexual. It can stop people from going to the doctors when one is sick or ill. The ability to build and maintain close non sexual relationship because hugging your friends or kids or family does not feel good or natural. The human body needs touch to be healthy and well. There is a way to reclaim touch and safety in your body it is with Safety Touch Sessions.

What does  Safe Touch Session’s entail:

  • 1st session is an intake with Gaia to figure out the source of the touch discomfort and distress. This is talking session that lasts 1- 3 hours
  • Non sensual/sexual touch session’s this is client driven: Over the clothes and reclaiming safety.
  • Sensory touch sessions: releasing all blockages and stored past trauma through touch, sound and colour. Full body without genitals
  • Sexual awakening touch sessions: this is to awaken the body to pleasure, safety and mindfulness. Releasing all the blockages that stop you from staying in your body and feeling safe to experience sexual pleasure. Full body without genitals
  • Teaching Partners Safe Touch sessions: Often it can be hard to explain or ask our loving partners how to interact with our bodies and touch when they do not understand trauma. Gaia with help facilitate guided safety touch session with your partner.

Each type of Safe Touch session is ALWAYS client driven , nothing ever happens that the client not okay with. Length of Touch sessions vary from 1 hour –  3 hours long depending on the session type and clients needs.

Investment in yourself:

  • Intake session flat fee of $300
  • Packages of 5hrs , 10hrs or 15hrs available at my hourly rate of $250/hr
  • All prices are in Canadian dollars plus HST


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