Gaia offers so many wonderful services for you to grow, heal ,explore and awaken:
Pre-Marriage/Commitment Coaching, Sexual Wellness Coaching, Sexual Skill Building Coaching, BDSM Wellness Coaching & Tantra Coaching
Yoni Massage, Lingiam Massage, Yoni Massage For Couples, Tantra Spanking
Tantra for 1 online course, Tantra workshops, Tantra events, Tantra Coaching and Tantra Spanking
Magick mentorship Program and Sex Magick Program
Online Sex Education, Training, Group and Mentorship Programs and Courses
Keynote Speaking
Talks in all area of sexual wellness, happiness, orgasmic living and personal growth
Interactive workshops in all areas of sex, love, relationships, BDSM, Tantra
Bachlorette Parties
An Interactive, entertaining and education event to learn about sex, love and relationships. It is not just awesome for bachorette parties but great for a night out with the friends. Looking for something different ?
Ask Gaia A Question
Have you been dying to ask a question about sex, love , relationships, BDSM, Tantra? You didn’t know who to ask or were to afraid of judgement. Come ask Gaia she is always a safe and nonjudgemental place to ask.