BDSM Wellness Coaching

What is BDSM Wellness?

As a Holistic sexual wellness specialist, I saw many clients struggling to figure out how to feel safe, calm, relaxed while trying to understand how and what is this letting go of control is all about…  

I decided to add BDSM wellness session to my Sexual Wellness practice, giving stressed professionals and individuals  a safe space to learn how to give over their power to someone that they trusted. I help them discover inner peace, self acceptance, while feeling safe and empowered!! 

Throughout  a BDSM session you release bio chemicals like adrenaline, endorphins, dopamine , oxytocin and serotonin where, when
properly balanced, allows us to reprogram almost any unwanted thoughts, emotions and behaviours. We are all wired to respond to positive and negative stimulation and praise. Combining the bodies biochemicals and the brain neuro pathways clients can speed up there healing and changing of old beliefs and behaviours that no longer serve them or their lives.

Client Abilities Are Improved In All Areas of Their Lives:

  • Finding their voice
  • Setting healthy and clear boundaries
  • Mastery of communication skills by being to ask for what they want, with clear ownership

I discovered one the ways to help clients find safety , trust and letting go of control works best in the dungeon! Sometimes just talking about it isn’t enough for the body and the brain to truly understand and embrace what it feels like to be safe! So we need an experience that embodies the concepts of safety, trust and surrendering of control, in a safe and controlled environment.

As result of BDSM Wellness Services clients :

  • See huge shifts in their lives .
  • They are calmer in face of everyday stress triggers
  • Not so tightly wired.
  • Feeling able to Trust others
  • Feeling safe

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