Tantra Spanking

I have developed this bodywork experience after studying both tantra and BDSM for years. What I noticed that the tantra zen transcendent state and the BDSM sub space are the same. Just the path to reach those states are different. So I was curious what would happen if you blended both Tantra and BDSM spanking together!

During Tantra Spanking Experience I have discovered that people

  • Reached higher states of consciousness quicker when you blend tantra and spanking together.
  • Removed their emotional body armor, so they may open their hearts and body to experience joy and pleasure fully…
  • Increased self awareness and mindfulness

Tantra Spanking is a combination of Tantra energy and breathing and Intense sensory stimulation and light spanking. Creating and moving sexual energy in the body, mind and spirit, letting go of power and control and experience the delightful dance of pain and pleasure! The desired benefits and outcomes

  • Reaching a full body orgasmic bliss
  • Experiencing the sweet magic of higher states of bliss and awareness
  • Reduce stress- biochemical and increase happy biochemicals in the body
  • Train the body and the mind to be silent
  • Help to heal early rapid ejaculation or premature ejaculation ( in penis owners)
  • Relaxation and zen
  • Emotional releases and balance emotional well-being
  • Mind and body connection that creates neuro pathways to zen, calm and transcendence

​Did you know that it is possible to have 3-12hrs of pure sexual pleasure and orgasmic bliss? Yes it is true……. Being in higher states of self awareness and mindfulness benefits you in all areas of life; work, sex, relationships, family.

With some training, patience and practice you can have the sexual life you have always wished for….. You can become the sexual guru…

Length of session: 3 hours and no marks left if required. .

I am your teacher, healer and guide on this sexual awakening adventure, not a LOVER! This doesnt end with an happy ending!

Investment: $750


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