Speaker and Keynote

Bring Gaia to Your Group And Stage

Sexual Wellness Talk

Your audience with be excited and intrigued to discover human sexuality is more then just sex. Over the last 20 years, Holistic Sexual Wellness Specialist Gaia Morrissette has noticed that many people ; Are not happy with their sex life! Often feeling unsatisfied with their life! Wish they could have more joy and pleasure in it! That is because we have not been taught or lead to believe that sexual wellness is important part of who each of us. Let Gaia take your audience on an engaging experience that will have the them exploring beliefs, knowledge and joy. Some of the topics we will cover:

  • Let go of shame or sexual dislike
  • Improve your sexual knowledge
  • Explore new levels of pleasure
  • Gain knowledge of how the “5 Aspects of Sexual Wellness” affect all areas of your life

What is Sexual Wellness? Sexual wellness encompasses sexuality as a whole within five different aspects: PlaySensualitySexualityExploration, and Sacred. If any one of these aspects are out of whack, then it will affect the rest of your sexuality. Your sexual wellness impacts the rest of your life including your mind, body and spirit. Each aspect is important for you to nurture and discover so you may have healthy sexual relationships with yourself and others. It is important to understand when within this context, the use of the word sexuality does not simply refer to the act of sexual activity or orgasm, which is a very good part, but is only a small part of sexuality. Gaia S. Morrissette considers sexuality as a whole, which affects our physical health, happiness, passion, creativity, emotional and mental wellbeing.

Sexual Assault Prevention

Sexual assault prevention is geared for high schools and universities / colleges. Time to change the rape culture. Gaia is a Holistic Sexual Wellness Specialist. She has a unique perspective, as much of her private practice has centered around working to support clients to Reclaim their power and safety after sexual trauma. Further, her personal journey of reclaiming, healing and moving from a victim of sexual abuse and satanic ritual to becoming a thriver and spokesperson for change, safety , healthy sexual expression and empowerment in the world, has given one of a kind skills. Gaia wants to help prevent trauma so she doesn’t have to see so many clients in the aftermath of sexual violations… This has inspired Gaia to create; 2 different talks that will support your students safety and well being.​

  1. Talk one is directed at the highest population of perpetrators, males. It is critical to start having honest and frank conversations with them; getting them to truly understand the effects of disrespectful and non consensual behavior. They need to recognize that these behaviors are not sexy, cool or manly, and that standing by and watching is not OK either. They need to learn that consensual sex can be wild and hot, with no long term negative effects or consequences that will last a lifetime to them self and others.   
  2. Talk two is aimed to  empower and teach young women how to move in the world with as much safety and awareness as possible. Gaia will teach students how to keep themselves safe and how  to take preventative measures . The focus will be on the importance of sexual empowered and how to make choices that will keep them safe when out in the world: to feel strong enough to choose only safe and respect people to spend time with; how to create a team of support that is always watching one another backs; to empower young women to have a voice.  Having open honest dialogue about rape, disrespect and safety helps break the silence. Awful things can continue to live and grow in the darkest, the way to STOP it, is to shine light on it.

Overcoming Fear

Overcoming Fear talk: Understand  fear and how it is can control every aspect of your life.  It can control and manipulate you in business, prevent success, destroy your relationships with family, friends, affect Romantic Relationships, and messes with your sex life. Discover how Gaia has overcome her fear and terror…. Her stage presence is real, raw, entertain and inspiring.

Conquering Fear talk: Let Gaia guide your audience transformation by sharing her insights, her adventures in Amazon Rainforest, sharing how she has healed and reclaimed her power after experiencing childhood sexual abuse and Satanic Ritual abuse. Gaia knows both real life and death, fear and terror as well as perceived fear of failure, fear of success, fear or rejection and fear of abandonment to name a few… Let her support your audience to become fearless ninjas.

Stop Being a Control Freak

Stop being a control freak!! It is time to let go and find Zen: BDSM and Surrender. Gaia shares with the audience “How she found safety by learning how to let go of control with the help of BDSM.” Gaia experienced extreme sexual abuse growing up, where she learned that the only way to survive and feel safe was always to be in control! She then became a powerful,strong CONTROL FREAK! To the outside, it just looked like she was on top of her game BUT inside she was always scared and panicking. Then BDSM came into her life: she discover how safe and stillness only happens when she surrenders. Zen, safety and inner peace only happens by letting go of control and surrendering. When she feel out of control or starts to become a control freak and not a Zen leader, that’s a clear signal to surrender. It is time for her to submit and surrender, all is right in her world again. Gaia will leave your audience awake, inspired and hopeful. They will leave with new tools to start reclaiming true Zen and empowerment by surrendering and taking baby steps to start feeling safe. Participants will learn to distinguish between control freak( power over) vs Leadership ( power from within).

Happiness – Stop! Drop! & Wiggle

How to become happy in 7 easy steps.Discover how you can choose to be happy in every moment of your day just because you are alive. Learn to change your negative emotional default expression over time. Most important: You can laugh and wiggle your way to the happy life your soul truly desires! We will be using Gaia Shawna Morrissette’s book “Stop! Drop! & Wiggle! : 7 easy steps to happiness” as our reference! Let the wiggling begin! There are 4 different talk available : 7 easy steps to happiness, Wiggle at work, Family that wiggles together stays together, How happiness supports a epic sex life.

Pleasure Leads to Profit

Did you know that how you feel and think about pleasure and happiness is affecting your bottom line and overall success in your business and personal life? Here are some of the other ways it is AFFECTING your ability to make more money, creatively solve problems, handle stress in your personal and professional life, manage your physical health, develop and be creative to support business growth, and adapt with the needs of your target market. Discovering the 3 P’s will help you take your business to the next level of success. It’s important to know and to understand that there are 3 different kinds and levels of pleasure, and only one of them is orgasmic pleasure.


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